Small projects

smaller projects

WC facilities at Tamil Central College Bandarawela and at Bathgoda School in Haldumulla

The inauguration of the newly built toilet building at Tamil Central College in Bandarawela was postponed to the date of our visit. This building was constructed exclusively for girls as part of the “Taboo Menstruation” project in order to provide them with the necessary privacy, hygiene and shelter. The three individual cubicles are almost twice as large as usual. There is also an antechamber where the girls have the opportunity to wash and change.

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Drinking water well

drinking water well

1st drinking water well in Batticaloa district, by the school BT/BW/Periyapullumalai. In mountainous areas, clean drinking water is usually not a problem. In Batticaloa district, however, water is very scarce. The schools do not have wells or water connections. The children take their water from home. However, this is usually not enough for a sufficient supply. Many children also do not have the possibility to bring water with them, which can then lead to bigger problems (dehydration).

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